Godlike Burger Wiki

There are plenty of upgrades in Godlike Burger that can be applied to the chef or the kitchen:


  • Insurance: One problem disappears at an affordable price. Priority number one to be fully upgraded.
  • Meat Processor Slot: In the beginning, you only need to take one. If you still can see the queue icon, it's not really important since everything will be instantly grinded up at the end of the day.
  • Meat Processor Speed: Slot first, speed last. It's not noticeable with just one upgrade, but when you fully upgrade it, it'll shows a surprising speed difference.
  • Yin-Yang: Due to various events, it is often impossible to make burgers faster than expected due to burger assembly proficiency. If you can afford it, please upgrade as soon as possible.
  • Additional Heating Module: Pre-cooking the burger and assembling it will often be played at the beginning, so it will take precedence over the number of stoves.
  • Stove Speed: If you fully upgrade it, it might cooks faster than you assembling the burger, the only problem is the price is quite steep.
  • Deep Freeze: When you die, your meat and body parts are preserved equal to the upgraded level (you will lose nothing if you fully upgrade it). However, you will lose all sub materials and sauces.
  • Extra stove: Further on, this upgrade will helps a lot considering Stove Speed is quite expensive to be fully upgraded.
  • Stove Timer: Not really necessary but definitely saves a lot of headache. The meat will still be at maximum heat no matter how long as long it's in the stove.


  • MedKit: Heals one heart for $50. The risk to lose everything for saving measly $50 is not worth it, so it's best to keep your health at maximum. Except for quest purposes.
  • Extra Health: With a maximum of 6 in total, it's never wrong to increase it once in a while.
  • Liquid Soap: If you are the type to pick yourself with a cleaver, you need to fully upgrade it quickly.
  • Stamina Recovery Speed: Below priority to additional stamina, but how much you increase will determine your survival in battle. Just mix and match with the additional Stamina.
  • Additional Stamina: More important than stamina recovery speed for survival since it's consumed when using cleaver, dash, and invisibility. If you have no more stamina, you can't do any of those. Just upgrade it as you deem necessary.
  • Dash: Quickly move a short distance. This dash has a bug, and if the game speed is slow, the distance increases. I don't know when the patch will be, but it's a huge gain, so getting your speed to 0.25 or 0.5x before the dash will give you quick, long dashes.
  • Invisibility: Invisible for a while. It can't attract suspicion, so use it and move to a safe place or activate a trap. It plays an increasingly important role in survival, so it's a good idea to take a one before going to a higher tier planet.
  • Stun Attack: Stun the target for a while. The stun time is short while the charging time takes a while, so it's better off for opening an attack rather than subsequent. Quite useful since you can throw 2 additional attack when they're downed, but not really necessary.
  • Knife ATK: Increases ATK by 1, so ATK becomes 4 when fully upgraded. If you raise one level, Tarat and Naboot become one hit kill. Raise two level to instantly kill Sahti, and raise it to the max will instantly kill Bredig.
  • Remote Control: The ability to remotely control your trap. If you're a type that mainly uses traps, it's a top priority. Even if you rarely use trap, this upgrade will definitely help to manage your trap.
  • Second Chance: If you die in the restaurant, it will reset the day. It's a consumable item, so if you commit suicide in preparation, it will just disappear, so be careful.