Godlike Burger Wiki

Tartolla is one of the 21 types of aliens in Godlike Burger.


  • Health: 3
  • Preference: Mikanien, Onbegrik, Tarat, Bredig
  • Ingredients: Basic bread, salmon, pineapple, egg
  • Immune to: Laxative, cleaver, gun, stick killer


The unusual appearance of these ancient space dwellers is quite deceiving. Wearing goggles and a rocket pack strapped to their back, these creatures are capable of reaching insane speeds. Keeping up with their train of thought is quite a task. It is believed that time passes differently for Tartollas, and therefore they move faster, age earlier and are disqualified for life from all sports disciplines throughout the Galaxy. Legend has it that, thousands of years ago, the Creator himself cursed the entire race after they were late for the decisive battle of the gods with the titans. The Tartollas doomed most of their allies to death by their sluggishness, and themselves - to short lives and eternal attempts to make at least something in time.


  • Has the ability to fly and move quickly
  • Often pickpockets other customers