Godlike Burger Wiki

Special Days are events that occur throughout the day.

Multiple events can appear at once, and rewards are stacked. For example, if a Protestors and a Meteor Shower both occur, the customer's tip for that day is doubled x doubled and quadrupled.

Clogged Toilet Icon

Clogged Toilet[]


Here we go again! Sewerage backups are common throughout the system, and Good Burger, alas is no exception. If the chef does not want to lose twice the Prestige points as usual, he should monitor the status of the toilets and clean them as necessary. If he is successful, the Prestige points for each action will be doubled-after all, in this situation not many restaurants would be able to get away...clean.


  • The toilet frequently breaks down, raising the user's irritability by 45 and interfering with the use of the toilet.
  • As a result of the fix, the increase or decrease of the prestige value for this day is doubled.
  • Annoying, but not terribly hard. Conversely, leaving the upper toilet broken and fixing the lower one can be an opportunity to maximize your tentacle trap.

Critic's Visit Icon

Critic's Visit[]



A Tartolla critic

Time to panic! Critics have begun paying attention to the Good Burger restaurant and, in addition to ordinary customers, newspaper hacks will also be visiting today. In disguise, of course. Should the chef serve any bad burgers, the critic will lower the Prestige of our favorite restaurant to the very bottom... However, if the chef does everything right, the article may draw some attention to his eatery.


  • Critics will come at random times on this day, an alert will flash.
  • They are disguised with golden eyewear and mustaches.
  • Their race is random.

Protestors Icon


Reward: X2 TIPS ALL DAY.

Oh, those wacky protestors! I heard it on the grapevine that OMNOMNI activists are planning to stop by Good Burger today with another demonstration against meat. We advise the chef to kick them out as soon as he sees them! No, not to kill of course-we don't need any martyrs-but a couple of kicks would be just right! These morons have already given everyone such a headache, I'm sure the general public would appreciate such a show made by the best chef of our universe.


  • Protestors arrive and run in different places at the Good Burger, all day.
  • Since they're always running, you can easily recognize them apart from regular customer and deal with them however you see fit.
  • Protesting aliens are Mikanien, Sahti, Mubler, and Bredig. Their range is everything except the VIP room.
  • The presence of protestors will irritate customers until they leave.
  • Protestors can easily be dealt with a swift kick.
  • With some skill and the use of attack traps, this day can be a opportunity to stock up on Bredig, Mikanien, Sahti and Mubler patties.
  • If you stun them, they will head towards the Medikit and protest again. Be wary if the Medikit is in motion sensor on. If they die from it, they do what the original aliens do when they see misconduct, which can get messy as Sahti and Mubler run away in fast panic to raise the police level while Mikanien and Bredig will try to knock your chef out. If you're still having trouble making decisions, it's best to kick them out.

Rival's Visit Icon

Rival's Visit[]


What a scoop! We're hearing reports that Lerevies, our pea-brained business executives, are up to their old tricks again: This time they want to learn Good Burger 's trade secrets. Watch out-these little bastards are going to steal ingredients and even our mouth-watering, juicy burgers right from under our noses! I'm sure the chef will do everything he can to protect your food from these tiny pricks, so don't forget to tip!


  • Lerevy appears and steals your patty in the fridge. They always come through the front door so use this to your advantages.
  • When the patty is stolen, the police level goes up by 1.
  • Not really hard, but definitely annoying. A single kick is enough to deter them, but you could also kill them. However since they're immune to your knife, you have to use traps to deliver the kill. Although killing them might be giving you satisfaction, it's not really necessary. No one likes their meat and their material is useless so really the choice is yours.

Invasion of Cockroaches Icon

Invasion of Cockroaches[]


Alarm, space cockroaches have been spotted! These mustachioed bastards can eat all the meat in the fridge. They're also disgusting, to be honest. The chef needs to stop them. By the way, there is one scientist here who is ready to pay a lot of money for cockroach carcasses...


  • Cockroaches will appear randomly (except the area inside of the counter) and rush to the kitchen refrigerator. It has suspicion zone, albeit pretty small, it will attack if you enter it.
  • Customer will get irritated if they're in the same area as the cockroaches. Also, if the cockroaches stays near the refrigerator for too long, it will start to eat the meat. Cockroaches can easily be killed with your knife.
  • Every time you kill a cockroach, you will get a certain amount of money. You can get a little over $400 total in Rivadonia, and the higher the planet, the more you'll get.
  • It's a trivial event, but if it overlaps with an event like an electric sphere, you can die instantly if you're getting stun and attacked at the same time.

Meteor Shower Icon

Meteor Shower[]

Reward: X2 TIPS ALL DAY.

Another day, another disaster! The Good Burger diner is currently pummeled by a meteor shower. If you were planning on getting some elite burgers, it is better to postpone these plans until tomorrow. But if your hunger is unbearable, don't forget to tip generously: it is extremely difficult to cook in such weather.


  • Multiple meteors randomly rain down in the burger joint, dealing damage to your chef and the customers.
  • A meteor attack goes in this order: a warning will flash, then red crosshairs will appear on the ground, seconds later the meteors fall. Be on high alert!
  • Each meteorite deals 1 damage to aliens except for Robies. You can also get hit by a meteor and die. Customers hit by a meteor change their behavior as if they were hit by a kick.
  • The reason meteors are annoying is that they fall quite often and bodies killed by meteors are reported. Fortunately, if they die near a trap that has an auto-removal function, the corpse will be disposed of automatically.
  • In order to succeed in this day with a high probability, the player must watch the situation and cut off the customers. Eliminate aliens with low health in advance, keep an eye on aliens in a position without traps, and if there is an accident, clean up the "problem" immediately to minimize the aggravation of the situation.

Zombie Epidemic Icon

Zombie Epidemic[]


Zombies are attacking! Beware, there may be brain-eating monsters among the guests. And they can turn everyone else into their own kind. The Chef must protect the restaurant and his customers from this scourge.


  • Some customers are infected with the zombie virus. In a short time they'll become zombies, attacking players and infecting guests in their path.
  • A warning will flash when a diseased customer arrives. The alien will have a green haze around it.
  • Zombies are slow, lose their original alien resistance and only have 2 health. Using knife on them won't leave you bloody and zombie corpses won't be reported. However, anyone infected and not turned yet are still counted as normal customer. So be mindful when you try to kill them.
  • If money is not urgent, it's one of the best day to stock up patties. By luring zombies into your guest's path, you can quickly turn your burger house into a zombie house.
  • Mind you some alien for some reason won't turn into zombie after getting infected, no matter how long you wait.

Mysterious Orbs Icon

Mysterious Orbs[]


The secret of the century! Mysterious orbs have appeared inside The Good Burger restaurant. Do not touch them under any circumstances - they inflict serious burns. And beware : mad scientists have already put a bounty on everyone who has been around these things.


  • 4 Electric Spheres that stun when come in contact periodically appear. The sphere slowly chases the player and won't disappear until it hits you. When you get stun, you can't do anything. You can't even change game speed when you're stun.
  • If you kill customer by any means, you will be rewarded with money.
  • The sphere itself does no damage, so it's just annoying. It'll only becomes threatening when other hostile events start stacking together.
  • It's best to just speed up the game when the sphere come and let it hit you.

Hungry Visitors Icon

Hungry Visitors[]


Sensational! Due to galaxy wide activism and protests, a shortage of natural meat has been reported. In restaurants where there is still food left, a huge number of double-portion orders are expected.


  • Customers will order their usual burgers but with double the patties.
  • If you have fast and many stoves with lots of patties at your disposal, then this is your chance to hit the jackpot. However, since the consumption of patties is doubled, ingredients are easy to run out very quickly. So you need to stock up on a lot of patties on a regular basis.

Evil Robot Icon

Evil Robot[]

Reward: X2 TIPS ALL DAY.

Danger! The Crazy Robot Anarchist is on the loose again. All catering establishments are advised to remain vigilant: the insane extremist has a tendency to tamper with appliances.


  • A robot anarchist appears and randomly tampers with all traps in the burger house.
  • Tampered traps will not work until repaired. Repair them by giving it kicks, just like the broken toilets.
  • The robot is unstoppable and invulnerable.
  • Even though the robot is invulnerable, they still trigger traps if you set the motion detector on.
  • With the traps out and we have bonus tips as a reward, it's best to just serve burger for the whole day.

Wanted Criminals Icon

Wanted Criminals[]


Attention! Good Burger has a chance to serve its people today and not in the way it usually does! Insiders say that several unpleasant and rather dangerous individuals will be dropping in. Runaways from the Wutirgen jail, as you might have guessed. The police have already promised to pay for each murdered villain, and at the same time to forgive one sin for each criminal head. We hope that the chef of our favorite diner will once again amaze the public: After all, if any criminal escapes from his restaurant, the inhabitants of the Galaxy will clearly not be delighted.


  • Jailbreakers visits the burger house.
  • Killing the bounty will give you a reward, but if the bounty escapes you will lose your reputation. Police level will also drop for things not stated.
  • Jailbreakers are grayish in color and have higher health than normal aliens. Some aliens have slight increase like Nubleshar while others like Bredig have significant addition. Other traits follow the original alien and corpses can be found and reported normally.
  • Irritation from customers staying in the same areas with escaped inmates will gradually rise.
  • Considering customer dissatisfaction, you need to get rid of them quickly, but unlike zombies, bounties bleed and customers recognize corpses. So, when making a plan to take them out, it's best to think about how to clean the body. Since police still arrive if something goes wrong, it is better not to be greedy when taking them out.

Short Circuit Icon

Short Circuit[]


Scandal! Rumor has it that Good Burger is literally stuffed with traps. And that today, due to a short circuit, all these traps have gone haywire and activate automatically and indiscriminately. We don't know if this is true or not, but the appliances in the diner seem really out of control and pose a mortal danger!


  • Traps are malfunctioning.
  • 3x reputation per surviving guest and reputation decreases when a guest is injured.
  • With a simple effect where the traps work haphazardly, irritation accumulates and suspicion rises just like if you trigger traps near them. Since traps cannot malfunction while they're on cool down, you can trigger the traps when there are no guest looking at them.
  • There is a quest to unlock Carlusdant that require you to survive this event without raising suspicion on ANY customer. It is indeed an arduous works, to the point it's almost nigh impossible if you unlock all the traps. With that in mind there is a way to bypass this quest by editing your save file to disable all of your traps. Go to \AppData\LocalLow\Liquid Pug LLC\Godlike Burger\Steam then choose your save slot. In there open "PersistentData.es3" using any text editing app (notepad, notepad+, etc). Finally you just need to change the traps "Purchase":true to "Purchase":false and save the file. After the quest is done you can revert it back to the previous state

System Crashes Icon

System Crashes[]


All Rise, the court is in session! The envious Lerevy, who recently opened their own restaurant, have sabotaged their rival - the The Good Burger diner. The little pranksters will have to answer to the law, but the Chef's task is to continue daily operations, even with a broken queue system.


  • During the day, the terminal breaks down and a special symbol is stamped instead of a number.
  • Doubles the price of the burger.
  • One of the best day to make money with almost no drawback. As long you're careful when making and delivering the burger, it's pretty much non-existent threat.
  • Don't forget you can adjust game speed to your advantages. This will definitely help you to think amidst the chaos.

Devouras Icon



Attention! Hybrids designed to kill humans have been spotted near the Good Burger. They are kind creatures and never skimp on tips, but seeing a human will drive them into a crazed frenzy. So if at all possible, you should avoid the restaurant.


  • Devoura, a human-killing hybrid, appears as a guest.
  • Devoura is treated like a guest, but when all the guests leave, the day ends with only Devoura left. Also, even if suspicion meter is 0, it always has a aggressive zone. They don't immediately attack when you enter the zone though, so you can do this to your advantages.
  • Devoura gives generous tips, so if you are confident, you can serve while avoiding the surveillance range.
  • After done eating, Devoura will have drastically reduced health (only have 2 HP) and aggressive zone to the point it's slightly bigger than the cockroaches one.
  • Their material is pretty rare, considering they only spawn in special days, so it is recommended to serve them burgers with Booster Sauce.

Trash Fall Icon

Trash Fall[]


We are witnessing an unprecedented prank! Someone throws trash out of the portal straight to the Good Burger Diner. Of course, all that garbage will probably annoy any customers, so the Chef will have to do a lot of cleaning today. Will we support him on social networks if he solves the problem and quickly removes all the trash?


  • Garbage dropped from the portal everywhere. It doesn't seem to drop on VIP room though.
  • The event doubles your reputation for the day.
  • Garbage is thrown all over the burger house. Customers irritation quickly rise when they are near garbage.
  • One portal can drop around 3-5 trash and those trash has physic and collision so be careful when dashing or running through them, since one dash is enough to fling them to gods know where.
  • Even though there's plenty of trash per portal, you need to pick them one by one, the mechanic and time needed is like extracting corpse. Also since it will irritate your customer VERY quickly, you have to be very attentive dealing with the garbage.
  • Unless you want a headache, it's best to use Sedative Sauce on every single customer. Be wary though as the effect to stave off irritation is only temporary.
  • Slowing down immediately after portals open up and quickly deal with the trash will also help, especially if you want to finish the quest by achieving A when this event occur.

Mold Icon



What a misfortune! Today's inspection revealed mold in the fridge of the Good Burger restaurant. Even one lump of this infestation can consume a year's supply of meat over the course of a single day. A good chef knows that the only place for mold is in the garbage. And that you have to deal with all the mold, or it will just spread again.


  • Mold grows in the refrigerator. It can grow in either ingredients section or raw patties section.
  • A mold will form in the refrigerator and when this happened a notification will appear just like most special days event.
  • The mold didn't grow out of nowhere. It was once one of your ingredient turning into one.
  • The longer you take the time to throw out the mold, the more ingredients or patties will fall to its victim. To take them out, just pick them up like normal ingredient and dispose of it in the yellow garbage bin in the kitchen next to the pile of plates.
  • It's not really that hard, but it's definitely annoying since it's a guaranteed that the mold will consume your stock no matter how good you are.
  • After the event is done, any mold left behind will be stuck in the freezer until the next mold special days.

Spontaneous Combustion Icon

Spontaneous Combustion[]

Reward: X2 PRESTIGE.

Emergency! All kinds of creatures in the galaxy started violently catching fire throughout the day. The largest concentration of explosive citizens is observed in the Good Burger restaurant. If you are there now, be careful not to approach any burning and flailing individuals - it is extremely dangerous.


  • The guest suddenly becomes a blazing fireball.
  • Reputation is doubled for the day.
  • The guest suddenly becomes a ball of fire while screaming and running. When it becomes a fireball, it disappears from the order list.
  • The customer that's going to ignite will have smoke coming out of their body.
  • It run faster than normal customer, around the same speed as protester. Anyone in their path will take continuous damage if they stay in the hitbox.
  • They will eventually snuffed out by their own and from existence. If you want to take their corpse, either you kill them while they're still burning or accidentally killed by another flaming customer. Of course since they're a walking fireball it's better to kill them with trap if you can.
  • Since the customer is pretty much a walking hazard, it's better to stock up meat for the day by killing everyone you can kill.
  • This is the only way you can see Robie die. If he catch on fire, he won't run like other customer, but he will slowly perish just like the other.

Final Icon


Reward: X50 TIPS ALL DAY.

Unbelievable! The creator was spotted outside the Good Burger diner with his bodyguard angels! Scientists say that his Halo as seen in many paparazzi photos is actually a rare piece of technology that protects the wearer from various ailments and hazards. Rumors have surfaced that its first prototype was malfunctioning after being subjected to even slight vibrations. A design flaw? An oversight? We can only wonder how and why!


  • This is the only event that happens in Tenotanium.
  • Farming for patties in this event will be difficult since the number of customer is fixed, 4 Guardian, 2 Royal, and 1 The Creator.
  • It is the event that will give you the most money throughout the game. It can give you around $100.000 if you serve The Creator the "correct" burger.
  • Since it's the final planet, you will get an ending no matter how you going end the day (except if you die) for the first time.
  • There's 2 ending in which both ways is pretty obvious from the comic. One being you serving The Creator the "correct" burger and the other... you get the idea.
