Godlike Burger Wiki

Kifker is one of the 21 types of aliens in Godlike Burger.


  • Health: 6
  • Preference: Rudus, Slak, Tarat, Collector
  • Ingredients: Basic bread, bacon, cheese and eggs
  • Immune to: Nicotine, laxatives, radiator, jukebox, tinopirk


It is still amazing how the Kifkers, born scoundrels, managed to become the Galaxy's permanent law-enforcement officers. Stories of their ascension have either been forgotten, or perhaps deliberately erased from the archives, but there is no escaping the fact that Kifkers are incredible sadists, bribe-takers and liars. Perhaps that is why not a single crime ever escapes their attention. Have you lost several witnesses, or allowed at least one of them to call the police station? Well, a unit armed to the teeth will definitely show up and stick its nose into every corner of your home. And then, if you give these scoundrels even the slightest reason, they will gladly demonstrate their fighting skills.


  • Occasionally appears to patrol the restaurant
  • Wider surveillance range than other aliens
  • If suspicion meter becomes full, will call other Kifkers