Devoura is one of the 21 types of aliens in Godlike Burger.
- Health: 5
- Preference: Onbegrik, Slak, Naboot, Nubleshar
- Ingredients: Black bread, jalapeno, paprika
- Immune to: Gun, signboard, radiator, air conditioner, hookah
Another monster that settled down in the Galactic community. For the majority of space inhabitants, this race is not dangerous, but if a Devoura sees an earthling it will try to kill that earthling at any cost. The monster suffers from its aggression no less than its victims: Deep in their souls Devouras are kind and sensitive creatures who prefer to stay away from people and lead a monastic lifestyle. But their genetic programming pushes them to crime, because during the war with humanity the Mikanians bred Devouras artificially with one and only goal - to destroy earthlings. Over the next decades, some insisted on the complete extermination of these monsters; others defended them as victims of the war. Finally, after the destruction of mankind, the Galactic community allowed Devouras to live among other aliens through the efforts of OMNOMNI. And the last surviving earthlings are not happy about this, of course...
- Is always hostile
- Will attack on sight
- Immune to major traps