Godlike Burger Wiki

Carlusdant general planet info

Carlusdant is one of the 11 planets in Godlike Burger.


  • There are 5 types of guests, but Deborah is the first to appear, so you need to serve 5+2 types. With the advent of Mublers and Naboots, it can become difficult to grasp the situation at the burger house.
  • It's a good idea to clean up the Mubler's clones when you have free time.
  • Deborah is a good customer if you don't run into it. It only appears on special days, so it's a good idea to grab it if you're thinking of making a sauce.
  • Mold is troublesome if not kept at bay. It is best to stock up patties as much as possible and get rid of molds as quick as you can.

Carlusdant planet info text
